"The outcome you obtained in my theft case exceeded my expectations. Thanks" ~ E.S.
"Your representation was outstanding in getting my assault case thrown out even before I had to take the witness stand. You are the lawyer they need to call." ~ R. W.
"Thank you for your relentless representation that resulted in a dismissal of all of my marihuana, paraphernalia and CDS charges." ~ M.W.
"Bruce Lamb is the lawyer you need to take to court with you in any peace order case as he got the case dismissed. ~A.N."
"I can not thank you enough for getting my assault case being found not guilty. I am so glad that I chose you as my lawyer." ~ T.S.
"Many thanks for fighting and getting a Nolle Proseque for my suspended license and running a stop sign charges especially as I was on probation. " ~ J. P.
Examples of cases we can help you with are:
Assault - Theft - DUI - DWI - Preliminary Hearings - Peace Orders Marijuana - Drug Crimes - Drug Distribution - paraphrenalia Driving on Suspended License - Radar - Speeding - Fraud - - Domestic Violence MVA Hearings - Appeals - Resisting Arrest - Escape - Forgery Robbery - Sex Offenses - Burglary - Traffic - Hand Gun Possession Violation of Probation - Parole Hearings - Warrants - Bail Reviews Homicide - Manslaughter - Murder - Motions to Reduce or Modify a Sentence or Probation
If you are on probation or parole, upon receipt of your call, we can determine if we can modify or reduce the balance of your sentence, parole or probation.
"Effective private representation does "NOT" need to be expensive."
Upon receipt of your call we can explain effective defenses that will be helpful for your case, the different and keep you informed about the progress of your case.
Bruce Lamb, Esquire
University of Baltimore J D
University of Maryland PhD
Johns Hopkins University MLA
Loyola University BS
If you have been arrested or accused of a crime you are probably frightened and concerned about your future and that of your family.
Without exception, anyone who is arrested should REMAIN SILENT!
You should not answer questions by the any law inforcement authorities including the police. Just state "I want an attorney" and contact a criminal attorney before you make any statements. Law enforcement officers are trained to investigate crimes and collect evidence to build the state's case against you. In their search for evidence, procedures are frequently are not adhered to and frequently statements are taken out of context in their pursuit of building their case against you. Many suspects provide the evidence that is needed to uphold a conviction that would not have resulted had they exercised their right to remain silent. While it is not advisable to be hostile to law enforcement officials, that is not the same as exercising a right to remain silent.
The State of Maryland is able to take advantage of their extensive staff of attonreys, police, investigators, crime labs and experts, to pursue the charge against you. We are able to equalize that advantage. The state is required to prove each element of each crime. Because frequently they are not able to meet the burden of proof, we know exactly how to force them to prove each element of each charge against you because we know how to punch holes in their arguments in order to get the case dismissed.
We are experienced and available to represent you in every Maryland County and Federal Court. Is it possible for you to get my case dismissed?
Under some circumstances, it is possible.
In a criminal case, the state's attorney is generally the only official to make a decison if to dismiss a case.
That decision can depend on many factors such as the effectiveness of the evidence, availability of important witnesses, and the effectiveness of the lawyer that is representing you.
An aggressive criminal defense attorney will discover factors that support a dismissal which factors frequently depend upon leading cases which dictate how a trial judge must rule on the evidence. such factors and negotiate with the prosecuting attorney to obtain the very best outcome based on those circumstances.
Frequently evidence is not admissible as it was it was improperly obtained.
The experience and training of the lawyer that represents you can make all of the difference in winning or losing your case.
Serious Criminal cases require an Maryland criminal lawyer who has the training and experienced to afford you the best opportunity to get your case dismissed. Anyone who is an attorney can attempt to represent you in criminal court, but not everyone can do so effectively.
It is an established fact that the skill and talent of your lawyer will have an impact on the outcome of your case. A Maryland criminal attorney needs to be familiar with district court and circuit court procedures.
If you have been accused or arrested of a crime in Maryland, you may feel frightened, confused and concerned about the consequences for yourself fan family your family.
Anyone who is accused or arrested should exercise their right to remain silent.
This means you should not answer any questions asked by law enforcement officers. Just politely state that you want a lawyer, and contact a criminal defense lawyer as soon as possible.
In addition to our understanding of Maryland criminal law and procedure, we also have learned that communication is sometimes half the battle when representing clients accused of crimes. Clients need to know the status of their case at all times, so that they can properly consider all of their potential options.
At our firm we are always be approachable, responsive, and effective. We are fluent in English and Spanish and keep flexible office hours, respond promptly to phone calls, and keep clients promptly informed of the status of their case.
Our law Office offers legal services in criminal defense and juvenile defenses.
Should I hire a lawyer to defend against criminal charges?
Probably. Most criminal defendants do hire a lawyer, especially when a prison sentence or jail is a possible result. Criminal cases are complicated, and it is very difficult for someone without legal training to defend against them.
What areas do most criminal lawyers work in?
Some criminal lawyers focus on defense, working as public defende4rs or private attorneys. Others work as prosecutors at the federal, local, or state level.
What does a criminologist do?
What Do Criminologists
Criminologists working with law enforcement take a hard look at offenders, identifying their situations and motives along with societal impacts, generational changes and other trends.
What are the ranks in a police force?
Police Ranks in Order Director General Police Assistant Director General Police (ADGP) Inspector General Police (IGP) Deputy Inspector . Senior Superintendent Superintendent Assistant Superintendent
How long does someone have to press charges for assault in Maryland?
One year from the actual date of the incident.
What is considered assault in Maryland?
Maryland criminal statutes consider assault to include the crimes of assault, battery, and assault and battery. Assault is the attempted touching of a person without his or her consent, including under those circumstances where the person feels fearful that injury will occur.
Can you sue for emotional distress in MD?
Intentional Infliction of Emotional Distress
Conduct must be recklless or intentional; Conduct must be outrageous or extreme. There must be a causal connection between the wrongful conduct and the emotional distress, and emotional distress must be severe.
What dollar amount is a felony in Maryland?
Any injury that is worth $1,000 and over is considered a felony. If the value of property is over $100,000 then the felony carries a 25-year maximum sentence. If it is worth under $100,000 but more than $10,000, the maximum penalty is 15 years. If it is between $1,000 and $10,000, the maximum is 10 years.
What makes an assault a felony in Maryland?
First-degree Maryland assault charges is a felony that describes attacking or threatening to attack someone with the intent to cause serious physical injury.
What is second degree assault in Maryland?
Second-degree assault is a crime that prohibits a person from injuring or attempting to injure another person. Second-degree assault is the lesser of the two assault crimes in Maryland, the other being first-degree assault.
Third degree assault under Maryland aw consists of engaging in nonconsensual contact with another through the use of suffocation, strangulation, or the infliction of serious bodily harm.
What are the levels of assault in Maryland?
In Maryland, assault is consists of two categories: assault in the first degree and assault in second degree. First degree assault is a felony carrying a maximum penalty of twenty-five years in jail, while second degree assault is a misdemeanor.
What makes an assault a felony in Maryland?
First-degree assault in Maryland is a felony involving attacking or threatening to attack someone with the intent to cause serious physical injury.
Is spitting on someone assault in Maryland?
Spitting in a person's face is assault and battery in certain cases. Aggravated assault is a felony, and a charge of aggravated assault can result in significant jail time.
What is intent to frighten in Maryland?
Attempt to frighten is second-degree assault in which an individual intentionally intimidates another by threat of physical harm or immediate physical contact.
Is yelling a form of verbal assault?
Verbal abuse uses words to bully, name call, frighten, demean, intimidate, or control another person. Abuse can include overt verbal abuse such as yelling,
We can help if you are charged with any of the following offenses:
weapons offenses, such as being a felon in possession of a weapon
DUI or driving under the influence of alcohol
drug offenses including possession of controlled dangerous substances
reckless endangerment, such as discharging a gun
armed robbery
all degrees of theft
all degrees of burglary
all degrees of assault
unauthorized use of a motor vehicle
domestic violence
all degrees of rape or sexual offenses
traffic offenses, such as speeding, reckless driving, or driving without a license
all degrees of murder
bad checks
violation of a protective order
resisting arrest
animal cruelty
e-mail or telephone misuse
all kinds of fraud
sex offense
Crime. An offense against person or property as defined by the Annotated Code of Maryland or the common law.
Computer crime. Incidents that do not fit within the definitions of the specialized types of cyber attacks and cyber theft. Encompasses spyware, adware, hacking, phishing, spoofing, pinging, sniffing, port scanning, and theft of otherwise collection, regardless of whether harm or losses were uninterrupted as a ending.
Individualized crimes
Assault, sexual assault, and theft. This category includes both attempted and completed crimes.
criminal law defense - representation of persons who have been accused of committing crimes.
Locus of crime. The place where a crime occurred. Crimes occurring in commercial establishments, restaurants, nightclubs, open business and corresponding places refer only to crimes involving against persons, not against the establishments.
Domestic violence - crimes committed by and against romantic partners, relatives, romantic partners, or parents of children in common.
Motor vehicle theft
Concealment or unauthorized use of a motor vehicle, including attempted thefts.
The usual place of residence.
Unauthorized entry without violence - This is a simple burglary.
Incident -
A special criminal act involving one or more victims and offenders. If two groups are robbed at the identical time and place, this is classified as two victimizations but only one criminal incident.
Attempted theft - The uncompleted attempt to steal property.
Multiple offenders
Two or much persons inflicting personal injury.
Maryland prosecutor is the lawyer assigned by the state to prosecute criminal cases, including felonies, misdemeanors, and traffic offenses.
Maryland criminal defense lawyer is a lawyer authorized by the Bar Association to defend persons accused of crime
Maryland personal injury lawyer is a lawyer representing injured parties in civil suits such as slip-and-fall, accident cases, and medical malpractice, as well as employment discrimination.
Maryland criminal laws are to be found in the Annotated Code of Maryland as well as in case law
top criminal lawyers in Maryland are frequently listed in journals
criminal attorneys in Maryland assist people accused of committing crimes
Maryland criminal lawyers can help you win your criminal case.
Criminal lawyers in Maryland are lawyers admitted to the Maryland bar.
Federal lawyers in Maryland are lawyers admitted to the Federal bar.
A Maryland criminal defense attorney can assist you with a criminal charge in Maryland.
Maryland personal injury lawyer can assist you if you have been injured in Maryland.
Maryland prosecutor is a State official who prosecutes criminal charges.
Pro bono criminal defense lawyers assist indigent defendants.
Pro bono criminal lawyers in md are licensed in the state of Maryland to practice law.
Are pro bono lawyers good? Pro bono lawyers are qualified by the State bar association.
Lawyers who do pro bono work assist defendants without charge.
Criminal lawyers for low income families may provide representation without charge or at a reduced rate.
Criminal defense law is a specialty practice area requiring an in-depth knowledge of case law.
Maryland criminal law firms specialize in assisting crimninal defendants.
criminal law attorney md may be found on the internet.
top criminal lawyers in Maryland represent the most difficult cases.
federal lawyers in Maryland represent defendants in Federal court.
criminal defense lawyer represents criminal defendants.
Maryland judiciary case search lists all cases filed in Maryland.
Pro bono criminal lawyers in Maryland are available to help poor clients.
Baltimore criminal attorney may be found on the net.
Maryland public defender salary is established by the Office of the Public Defender.
Maryland public defender eligibility is determined by income. Maryland public defender appellate division represents clients in appeals. Maryland public defender internship may be available to upper level law school students. Virginia public defender assists criminal defendants.
Unlawful or forcible entry or attempted entry of a residence. The structure does not be the house itself for a burglary to take place; illegal entry of a garage, shed, or any other structure on the premises also constitutes household burglary. This crime usually, but not always, involves theft. The illegal entry may be by force, such as breaking a window or slashing a screen, or may be without force by entering through an unlocked door or an open window. As long as the person entering has no legal right to be present in the structure a burglary has occurred. If breaking and entering occurs in a hotel or vacation residence, it is still classified as a burglary for the household whose member or members were staying there at the time the entry occurred.
Attempted forcible entry is a form of burglary in which force is used in an attempt to gain entry to premises.
Completed burglary - A form of burglary in which a person who has no legal right to be present in the structure successfully gains entry to a residence, by use of force, or without force.
Motor Vehicle A motorcycle, automobile, truck, or any other motorized vehicle legally allowed on public roads and highways. Completed motor vehicle theft - The successful taking of a vehicle by an unauthorized person.
Attempted motor vehicle theft - The unsuccessful attempt by an unauthorized person to take a vehicle.
Larceny The unlawful taking of property other than a motor vehicle from the possession of another, by stealth, without force or deceit. Includes pocketpicking, nonforcible purse snatching, shoplifting, and thefts from motor vehicles. Excludes receiving or reselling stolen property (fencing), and thefts through fraud or deceit.
Aggravated assault An attack or attempted attack with a weapon, regardless of whether an injury occurred, and an attack without the weapon when serious injury results.
With injury - an attack with a weapon involving any injury or an attack without a weapon when serious injury results. Serious injury includes lost teeth, broken bones, internal injuries, loss of consciousness, and any unspecified injury requiring two or more days of hospitalization. It is based on judicial decisions rather than legislative action.
Community Control - A form of probation restricting the defendant's movements to an extreme degree.
Commutation - The reduction of a sentence, as from death to life imprisonment. criminal case. The alienation, parting with, or giving up property.
Dismissal - Dropping a lawsuit. A dismissal. Dismissal with prejudice prevents the lawsuit from being brought before a court in the future, while without prejudice allows a lawsuit to be brought before the court again at a later time.
Disposition - In criminal procedure, the sentencing or other final settlement of a
De novo - A new trial of a case.
Amicus curiae - One not a party to a case who volunteers to offer information on some aspect of a case or a point of law to assist the court in deciding a matter before it. A friend of the court.
Answer - The defendant's written response to allegations stated in a complaint.
Appeal - Review of the decision of a lower court or administrative agency.
Deposition - An oral statement made under oath. Depositions are taken to examine potential witnesses, to obtain discovery, to be used later in trial. Testimony of a witness other than in open court.
Descent and Distribution Statutes - Statutes regulating the distribution of estate property of a person who dies without a will. Same as intestacy laws.
Directed verdict - An instruction by the judge to the jury to return a specific verdict, presently called judgment as a matter of law.
Direct Evidence - Proof of facts by witnesses who heard words spoken or saw acts done.
Direct Examination - The initial questions asked to witnesses by the party on whose behalf they are called. Maryland criminal lawyers
Disbarment - The loss often permanent of a lawyer's right to practice law. Disbarment differs from censure an official reprimand or condemnation and from suspension a temporary loss of the right to practice law.
Discharge of bond - A court order releasing a bond.
Disclaim - To decline a gift made in a will.
Default - A failure to answer a lawsuit within the specified time.
Default Judgment - A judgment entered against a party failing to appear in court or to respond to the charges.
Defendant - In a criminal case, the person accused of the crime. In a civil case, the person being sued.
Deferred payment - Postponement of time to pay a fine.
Demand for discovery - Demand by the defense attorney to the prosecution to furnish material information on a case.
Demanding state - The state seeking return of a fugitive.
Demurrer - A legal attack on a document as to effect.
Domicile - The location where a person has his or her permanent legal home. Maryland criminal lawyer, A person may have several residences, but only one domicile.
Double jeopardy - trial of a person more than once for the same crime. Double jeopardy is forbidden by the Fifth Amendment to the U.S. Constitution.
Due Process of Law - The safeguards and guarantees of the law and the judicial process. Double jeopardy includes such constitutional requirements as assistance of counsel, adequate notices, the right to remain silent, the right to a speedy public trial, the right to an impartial jury and the right to confront and secure witnesses.
Spanish Translation
The content and wording of this url does not form an attorney client relationship and no decision should be made without retaining an attorney for your situation. © Bruce Lamb, 2015